David McPherson on Transfiguring Love in the Brothers Karamazov
In Episode 2 of the podcast Sacred & Profane Love, philosopher Jennifer A. Frey has a conversation with fellow philosopher, David McPherson (Creighton University), about transfiguring love as explored by Fyodor Dostoyevsky in his influential novel, The Brother’s Karamazov. The episode covers Dostoyevsky’s treatment of the classic problem of evil—i.e., the problem of reconciling God’s love and wisdom with the evil and suffering that are part of his creation—and in particular, his idea that active and self-transcending love for others is the only proper response to human suffering because the only true path to achieving the kind of deep happiness that is the goal of every human heart.
David McPherson is an assistant professor of philosophy at Creighton University. His research and teaching center around ethics (especially virtue ethics) and the philosophy of religion. He has authored many essays on ethics, moral psychology, and spirituality. He is most recently the editor of the collection of essays, Spirituality and the Good Life (Cambridge University Press, 2018). David is currently working on a monograph on human beings as meaning-seeking animals.
Sacred and Profane Love is a podcast in which philosophers, theologians, and literary critics discuss some of their favorite works of literature, and how these works have shaped their own ideas about love, happiness, and meaning in human life. Host Jennifer A. Frey is A Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of South Carolina and co-Principal Investigator at Virtue, Happiness, and the Meaning of Life.
This podcast is a project of Virtue, Happiness, & the Meaning of Life, and is made possible through a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation.
Content copyright the University of South Carolina and the University of Chicago.
Music credits, “Help me Somebody,” by Brian Eno and David Byrne, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.5.